Take Part In

We thank you for your interest in our forum! To register participation, we ask you to fill out the registration form below. After sending this form, we will contact you in the near future.


Please read the leadership of the forum participant (click here or on the button below), it contains information on the format, options for delegate participation, participation with a report and/or stand, as well as additional opportunities for promoting technological products and services of your company


Attention to the employees of the oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan: if you are an employee of the oil and gas company in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and want to take part in the upcoming forum, please contact Alexander Panteleev (alexander.panteleev@rogtecmagazine.com). Alexander is responsible for inviting your companies, and he will tell you at what stage the registration of the delegation of your company in the forum is located, and will register you.

Conference Guide 2024